Contributing to the CANA Vision
In NA there is a familiar word "WE". No individual nor any service committee is encouraged to do it alone. The WE of the program encompasses so much more than personal recovery, including the spirit of the 7th Tradition.
To achieve our vision, as directed by the Canadian fellowship through strategic planning and discussions, we deploy many Work Groups and Trusted Servants. All of our tasks are equally important to accomplish our goal of carrying the message to the addict who still suffers. In order to realize our vision we need both human and financial resources.
Where Do Our Resources Go?
You can explore all of our current projects by reading the Strategic Plan
Below is a list of our funded services.
Strategic Plan Projects 2024-2025
Ongoing Routine Services:
Strategic Plan Projects
National Toll Free Phoneline
National Website
National Convention - CCNA
CANA/ACNA Information Booth at CCNA
Local Workshop at CCNA
French Translations
CANA/ACNA Newsletter
CANA/ACNA Pamphlet
Attendance at Professional Events
Membership Email Distribution List
Scanning Surveys for fellowship
Offer Attendance for Regions of CANA/ACNA
National Public Service Announcement Campaigns (French and English)
First Nations Translations
PR Through Social Media
French PSA
National Professional Development
Improve CANA/ACNA Website
Re-evaluate CCNA processes
Approach former trusted servants to work on projects
Communicate, engage, and encourage involvement in workgroup projects for members at large
Follow Up with Contacts
Translations of James Bay Cree, and Blackfoot
PR to Northern Treatment Centres
We ask members to consider financially assisting our service bodies including Groups, Areas, Regions, Canadian Assembly and NA World Services.