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About us

A national committee comprised of the NA regions in Canada.

Vision / History / Members

Get Involved

Freedom begins when you work the program.

Meetings / Events / Forum / CCNA

Resources & Links

Tools to help assist us in our efforts to carry the message

Webinars / Local Resources

Reserve Webinar Usage Time

CANA/ACNA is using software to facilitate online service webinars and web based service meetings. This software platform is licensed to CANA/ACNA.

CANA/ACNA is willing to provide access to this software to service bodies within Canada at no cost. There are some basic critera requirements in order to be approved;

1) Registered NA Service body connected to the service structure within Canada
2) Availability of Software paltform (cannot book more then one event at a time)
3) Approved by CANA/ACNA at least 14 days prior to the event
4) Service body is aware there will be no technical assistance available.

View the calendar below to determine if the software is availbale at the time of your event. Blank dates represent available. Then use the form below the calendar to request use of the software at a specified date and time.